We would like to take a moment to address an important matter regarding the removal of gel color and acrylic nails. It deeply saddens us to see the damage caused to your nails when they are picked off improperly.

Nail enhancements, such as gel color and acrylic nails, are designed to enhance the beauty and strength of your natural nails. However, improper removal techniques can lead to weakened, thin, and damaged nails. We genuinely care about the health and well-being of your nails, which is why we strongly urge you to follow the correct removal process.

Picking off gel color or acrylic nails forcefully can result in peeling, splitting, or even breaking of the natural nail. It can also lead to painful nail bed injuries, irritation, and infection. We want to ensure that your nails remain healthy and beautiful, even after removing the enhancements.

To prevent any unnecessary damage, we kindly request you to consider the following steps for proper removal:

1. Gel Color Removal:
– Follow the steps we previously shared for soaking off gel color nails.
– By allowing the acetone to work its magic and gently pushing off the softened gel, you can protect your natural nails from harm.

2. Acrylic Nail Removal:
– Please adhere to the steps outlined above for soaking off acrylic nails.
– Taking the time to soften the acrylic and carefully lifting it off will help maintain the health and integrity of your natural nails.

Remember, we are always here to support you on your nail care journey. If you find the removal process challenging or have any concerns, our professional nail technicians are trained to safely and expertly remove your nail enhancements. They possess the knowledge and skills to minimize any potential damage.

We want to thank you for your understanding and cooperation in ensuring the health and beauty of your nails. Your support allows us to continue providing you with exceptional nail care services. Together, let’s prioritize the well-being of our nails and enjoy beautiful, healthy results.

Warm regards,

Colney Nails